Dr. Clay L. Pierce Publications
Schilling, K. E., K. Wilke, C. L. Pierce, K. Kult, and A. Kenney. 2019. Multi-purpose oxbows as a new nitrogen reduction practice in the agricultural Midwest . Agricultural and Environmental Letters 4:190035. https://doi.org/10.2134/ael2019.09.0035
Camacho, C. A., C. J. Sullivan, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2019. Morphological identification of Bighead Carp, Silver Carp, and Grass Carp eggs using random forests machine learning classification. North American Journal of Fisheries Management https://doi.org/10.1002/nafm.10380
Kramer, N. W., Q. E. Phelps, C. L. Pierce, and M. E. Colvin. 2019. A food web modelling assessment of Asian Carp impacts in the Middle and Upper Mississippi River. Food Webs DOI
Simpson, N. T., A. P. Bybel, M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, and K. J. Roe. 2019. Occurrence, abundance, and associations of Topeka shiners (Notropis topeka) in restored and unrestored oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota, USA. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems DOI
Pierce, C. L., N. T. Simpson, A. P. Bybel, C. L. Zambory, M. J. Weber, and K. J. Roe. 2019. Status of the Topeka shiner in Iowa. American Midland Naturalist 182:109-117.
Swanson, J. E., C. L. Pierce, S. J. Dinsmore, K. L. Smalling, T. W. Stewart, M. W. Vandever, and E. Muths. 2019. Factors influencing anuran wetland occupancy in an agricultural landscape. Herpetologica 75(1):47-56.
Mills, N., M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, and D. Cashatt. 2019. Factors influencing fish mercury concentrations in Iowa rivers. Ecotoxicology 28(2):229-241.
Katzenmeyer, E. D., C. L. Pierce, M. E. Colvin, T. W. Stewart, and S. E. Grummer. 2019. Fish growth changes over time in a Midwestern U.S. lake. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148:493-506.
Zambory, C. L., H. Ellis, C. L. Pierce, K. J. Roe, M. J. Weber, K. E. Schilling, and N. C. Young. 2019. The development of a GIS methodology to identify oxbows and former stream meanders from LiDAR-derived digital elevation models. Remote Sensing 2019, 11, 12.
Sullivan, C. J., M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, and C. A. Camacho. 2018. Influence of river discharge on grass carp occupancy dynamics in southeastern Iowa rivers. River Research and Applications 2018:1-8. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3385.
Swanson, J. E., E. Muths, C. L. Pierce, S. J. Dinsmore, M. W. Vandever, M. L. Hladik, amd K. L. Smalling. 2018. Exploring the amphibian exposome in an agricultural landscape using telemetry and passive sampling. Scientific Reports 8:10045.
Sullivan, C. J., M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, D. H. Wahl, Q. E. Phelps, C. A. Camacho, and R. E. Colombo. 2018. Factors regulating year-class strength of silver carp throughout the Mississippi River Basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:541-533.
Mills, N., D. Cashatt, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2018. A case study and a meta-analysis of seasonal variation in fish mercury concentrations. Ecotoxicology (2018). https://rdcu.be/NZ2c.
Fischer, J. R., B. D. Bakevich, C. P. Shea, C. L. Pierce, and M. D. Quist. 2018. Floods, drying, habitat connectivity, and fish occupancy dynamics in restored and unrestored oxbows of west-central Iowa. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2018:1-11.
Yaw, T. J., J. E. Swanson, C. L. Pierce, E. Muths, K. L. Smalling, M. W. Vandever, and B. A. Zaffarano. 2017. Placement of intracoelomic radiotransmitters and silicone passive sampling devices in northern leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens). Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 27:111-115.
Sullivan, C. J., C. A. Camacho, M. J. Weber, and C. L. Pierce. 2017. Intra-annual variability of Silver Carp populations in the Des Moines River, USA. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:836-849.
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, M. W. Vandever, E. Muths, and K. L. Smalling. 2017. Amphibians, pesticides, and the amphibian chytrid fungus in restored wetlands in agricultural landscapes. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12:68-77.
Reeves, R. A., C. L. Pierce, E. Muths., K. L. Smalling, R. W. Klaver, M. W. Vandever and W. A. Battaglin. 2016. Restored agricultural wetlands in central Iowa: habitat quality and amphibian response. Wetlands 36(1):101-110.
Colvin, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2015. A food web modeling analysis of a Midwestern, USA eutrophic lake dominated by non-native Common Carp and Zebra Mussels. Ecological Modeling 312:26-40.
Bakevich, B. D., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2015. Status of the Topeka shiner in west-central Iowa. American Midland Naturalist 174:350-358.
Smalling, K. L., R. A. Reeves, E. Muths, M. W. Vandever, W. A. Battaglin, M. L. Hladik, and C. L. Pierce. 2015. Pesticide concentrations in frog tissue and wetland habitats in a landscape dominated by agriculture. Science of the Total Environment 502 (2015):80-90.
Parks, T. P, M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2014. Anthropogenic disturbance and environmental associations with fish assemblage structure in two nonwadeable rivers. River Research and Applications DOI: 10.1002/rra.2844.
Parks, T. P, M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2014. Historical changes in fish assemblage structure in Midwestern nonwadeable rivers. American Midland Naturalist 171:27-53.
Bakevich, B.D., C.L. Pierce, and M.C. Quist. 2013. Habitat, fish species, and fish assemblage associations of Topeka shiners in west-central Iowa. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:1258-1268.
Pierce, C. L., N. L. Ahrens, A. K. Loan-Wilsey, G. A. Simmons, and G. T. Gelwicks. 2013. Fish assemblage relationships with physical characteristics and presence of dams in three eastern Iowa rivers. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2654.
Colvin, M. E., C. L. Pierce, T. W. Stewart, and Scott E. Grummer. 2012. Strategies to control a common carp (Cyprinus carpio) population by pulsed commercial harvest. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:1251-1264.
Colvin, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and T. W. Stewart. 2012. Semi-discrete biomass dynamic modeling: an improved approach for assessing fish stock responses to pulsed harvest events. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69:1710-1721.
Sindt, A. R., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2012. Habitat associations of fish species of greatest conservation need evaluated at multiple spatial scales in wadeable Iowa streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:1046-1061.
Sindt, A. R., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2012. Fish species of greatest conservation need in wadeable Iowa streams: current status and effectiveness of Aquatic Gap Program distribution models. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:135-146.
Thomas, J. T., M. E. Culler, D. C. Dermisis, C. L. Pierce, A. N. Papanicolaou, T. W. Stewart, and C. J. Larson. 2011. Effects of grade control structures on fish passage, biological assemblages, and hydraulic environments in western Iowa streams: a multidisciplinary review. River Research and Applications DOI:10.1002/rra.
Sindt, A. R., J. R. Fischer, M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2011. Ictalurids in Iowa’s streams and rivers: status, distribution, and relationships with biotic integrity in Conservation, Ecology & Management of Worldwide Catfish Populations & Habitats. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 77:335-347.
Rowe, D. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. F. Wilton. 2009. Fish assemblage relationships with physical habitat in wadeable Iowa streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1314-1332.
Rowe, D. C., C. L. Pierce, and T. F. Wilton. 2009. Physical habitat and fish assemblage relationships with landscape variables at multiple spatial scales in wadeable Iowa streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1333-1351.
Koch, J. D., Quist, M. C., C.L. Pierce, Hansen, K. A., and M. J. Steuck. 2009. Effects of commercial harvest on shovelnose sturgeon populations in the Upper Mississippi River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:84-100.
Litvan, M. E., C. L. Pierce, T. W. Stewart, and C. J. Larson. 2008. Fish passage in a western Iowa stream modified by grade control structures. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1384-1397.
Litvan, M. E., C. L. Pierce, T. W. Stewart, and C. J. Larson. 2008. Fish assemblages in a western Iowa stream modified by grade control structures. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28: 1398-1413.
Penne, C. R. and C. L. Pierce. 2008. Seasonal distribution, aggregation, and habitat selection of common carp in Clear Lake, Iowa. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1050-1062.
Litvan, M. E., T. W. Stewart, C. L. Pierce, and C. J. Larson. 2008. Effects of grade control structures on the acroinvertebrate assemblage of an agriculturally- impacted stream. River Research and Applications 24:130-145.
Penne, C. R., N. L. Ahrens, R. C. Summerfelt, and C. L. Pierce. 2007. Effect of relative transmitter volume on expulsion of radio transmitters in subadult common carp. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:986-991.
Duehr, J. P., M. J. Siepker, C. L. Pierce, and T. M. Isenhart. 2007. Relation of riparian buffer strips to in-stream habitat, macroinvertebrates and fish in a small Iowa stream. Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 113:49-55.
Frohnauer, N. K., C. L. Pierce, and L. W. Kallemeyn. 2007. Population dynamics and angler exploitation of the unique muskellunge population in Shoepack Lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:63-76.
Frohnauer, N. K., C. L. Pierce, and L. W. Kallemeyn. 2007. Simulated effects of recruitment variability, exploitation, and reduced habitat area on the unique muskellunge population in Shoepack Lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:77-88.
Palic, D., L. Helland, B. R. Pedersen, J. R. Pribil, R. M. Grajeda, A. K. Loan-Wilsey and C. L. Pierce. 2007. Fish assemblages of the upper Little Sioux River basin, Iowa, USA: relationships with stream size and comparison with historical assemblages. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 22(1):69-79.
Shoup, D. E., S. P. Callahan, D. H. Wahl, and C. L. Pierce. 2007. Size-specific growth of bluegill, largemouth bass and channel catfish in relation to prey availability and limnological variables. Journal of Fish Biology 70:21-34.
Heitke, J. D., C. L. Pierce, G. T. Gelwicks, G. A. Simmons, and G. L. Siegwarth. 2006. Habitat, land use, and fish assemblage relationships in Iowa streams: preliminary assessment in an agricultural landscape. Pages 287-303 in L. Wang, R. M. Hughes, and P. W. Seelbach, editors. Influences of landscape on stream habitat and biological communities. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 48, Bethesda, Maryland.
Liao, H., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. 2005. An empirical model for estimating annual consumption by freshwater fish populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:525-532.
Liao, H., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. 2004. Consumption dynamics of the adult piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:890-902.
Hoxmeier, R. J. H., D. H. Wahl, M. L. Hooe, and C. L. Pierce. 2004. Growth and survival of larval walleye in response to prey availability. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133: 45-54.
Pegg, M. A., C. L. Pierce, and A. Roy. 2003. Effects of channelization and impoundment on flow in the Missouri River: a time-series analysis of daily mean flow. Aquatic Sciences 65: 63-72.
Pegg, M. A., and C. L. Pierce. 2002. Fish community structure in the Missouri and lower Yellowstone Rivers in relation to flow characteristics. Hydrobiologia 479: 155-167.
Liao, H., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. 2002. Diet dynamics of the adult piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa, USA 1995-1997. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 11:178-189.
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, M. A. Pegg, P. J. Braaten, C. L. Pierce, and V. H. Travnicek. 2002. Potential influence of harvest on shovelnose sturgeon populations in the Missouri River system: a case for pro-active management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:537-549.
Pegg, M. A., and C. L. Pierce. 2002. Classification of reaches in the Missouri and lower Yellowstone rivers based on flow characteristics. River Research and Applications 18:31-42.
Pegg, M. A., and C. L. Pierce. 2001. Growth rate responses of Missouri and lower Yellowstone River fishes to a latitudinal gradient. Journal of Fish Biology 59(6):1529-1543.
Pelham, M. E., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. 2001. Diet dynamics of the juvenile piscivorous fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa, 1997-1998. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 10:198-211.
Pierce, C. L., M. D. Sexton, M. E. Pelham, H. Liao and J. G. Larscheid. 2001. Dynamics of the littoral fish assemblage in Spirit Lake, Iowa and implications for prey availability for piscivores. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:884-896.
Pierce, C. L., A. M. Corcoran, A. N. Gronbach, S. Hsia, B. J. Mularkey, and A. J. Schwartzhoff. 2001. Influence of diel period on electrofishing and beach seining assessments of littoral fish assemblages. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:918-926.
Pierce, C. L., M. D. Sexton, M. E. Pelham and J. G. Larscheid. 2001. Short-term variability and long-term change in the composition of the littoral zone fish community in Spirit Lake, Iowa. American Midland Naturalist 146(2):290-299.
Liao, H., C. L. Pierce, and J. G. Larscheid. 2001. Empirical assessment of indices of prey importance in the diets of predacious fish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130:583-591.
Pierce, C. L., and B. D. Hinrichs. 1997. Response of littoral invertebrates to reduction in fish density: simultaneous experiments in ponds with different fish assemblages. Freshwater Biology 37:397-408.
Pierce, C. L., J. B. Rasmussen, and W. C. Leggett. 1996. Back-calculation of fish length from scales: empirical comparison of proportional methods. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 125:889-898.
Liao, H., C. L. Pierce, D. H. Wahl, J. B. Rasmussen, and W. C. Leggett. 1995. Relative weight (Wr) as a field assessment tool: relationships with growth, prey biomass and environmental conditions. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 124:387-400.
Putman, J. H., C. L. Pierce, and D. M. Day. 1995. Relationships between environmental variables and size-specific growth rates of Illinois stream fishes.Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 124:252-261.
Pierce, C. L., J. B. Rasmussen, and W. C. Leggett. 1994. Littoral fish communities in southern Quebec lakes: relationships with limnological and prey resource variables. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:1128-1138.
Welker, M. T., C. L. Pierce, and D. H. Wahl. 1994. Growth and survival of larval fishes: the role of zooplankton abundance and competition. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 123:703-717.
Pierce, C. L., J. B. Rasmussen, and W. C. Leggett. 1990. Sampling littoral fish with a seine: corrections for variable capture efficiency. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:1004-1010.
Pierce, C. L. 1988. Predator avoidance, microhabitat shift, and risk-sensitive foraging in larval dragonflies. Oecologia 77:81-90.
Pierce, C. L., K. A. Musgrove, J. Ritterpusch, and N. E. Carl. 1987. Littoral invertebrate abundance in bluegill spawning colonies and undisturbed areas of a small pond. Canadian Journal of Zoology 65:2066-2071.
Johnson, D. M., C. L. Pierce, T. H. Martin, C. N. Watson, R. E. Bohanan, and P. H. Crowley. 1987. Prey depletion by odonate larvae: combining evidence from multiple field experiments. Ecology 68:1459-1465.
Pierce, C. L., P. H. Crowley, and D. M. Johnson. 1985. Behavior and ecological interactions of larval Odonata. Ecology 66:1504-1512.
Crowley, P. H., C. L. Pierce, D. M. Johnson, and R. E. Bohanan. 1983. An enclosure for experimental manipulation of lentic, littoral, and benthic communities. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 2:59-66.
Pierce, C. L. and B. Thompson. 1981. A survey of water flow in drainage ditches and streams in South Central Minnesota. Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Sciences 46:10-12.