M.S. Assistantship in Fish Conservation at Iowa State University
M.S. Assistantship in Fish Conservation
Agency/Location: Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, Ames (http://www.nrem.iastate.edu/)
Responsibilities: Develop and test an index of oxbow restoration quality for conservation of the endangered Topeka shiner. Compile existing data on oxbow fish assemblages and collect field data on new restorations in collaboration with university, federal, state, non-governmental, and industry collaborators. Supervise assistants, perform fieldwork in variable outdoor conditions, compile databases, conduct analyses, write annual progress reports, and carry out other duties as needed. Complete thesis and other requirements of M.S. degree. Prepare and submit manuscripts for publication.
Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in conservation biology, ecology, natural resources, environmental science, fisheries, or related field. Coursework or comparable experience with aquatic ecology, freshwater fish and/or fisheries, streams, wetlands, and biostatistics is beneficial. Demonstrated strength in written and oral communication, analytical skills, and strong academic credentials are preferred. Applicants should be highly motivated, demonstrate a strong work ethic, be physically capable and willing to occasionally work in demanding outdoor conditions, and possess a valid driver’s license.
Anticipated start date: January - May 2019, negotiable (January preferred)
Salary/Benefits: $24,000/year plus benefits and partial tuition waiver
Contact: Send pre-application (cover letter, résumé, copies of transcripts, copies GRE scores,
and contact information of 3 references) electronically to Dr. Clay Pierce (cpierce@iastate.edu), Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University.
Link: https://www.cfwru.iastate.edu/people/clay-pierce
Ad Closing Date: Review begins November 1, 2018; applications accepted until position filled