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Effects of introdouced common carp and invading zebra mussels on water quality and the native biological community of Clear Lake, Iowa

Project goals and objectives:

  • Develop a lake ecosystem model for Clear Lake, Iowa


To date, all data have been acquired, processed and entered into a database. Two manuscripts entitled “Strategies to control a common carp (Cyprinus carpio) population by pulsed commercial harvest” and “Semi‐discrete biomass dynamic modeling: an improved approach for assessing fish stock responses to pulsed harvest events” have been submitted to the North American Journal of Fisheries Management and the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences respectively. In January 2012, a technology transfer was held to demonstrate the Clear Lake Ecosystem Simulation (CLESM) model to Iowa DNR employees. The session was a resounding success evaluating the impacts of ongoing lake restoration and invasive common carp and zebra mussels.

This project was completed by Clay L. Pierce and Timothy W. Stewart as Principal Investigators, Michael E. Colvin as student investigator, Joe Larscheid, and Jim Walh. To find out more about this project, click here to view the report pdf

To find out more information about the models developed for this project, click here.

Funding Organization: Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR)

Duration: 05/01/2007 to 06/30/2012