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  • Dr. Moore joined the Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit as Assistant Unit Leader and Assistant Professor at Iowa State University in 2022. Prior to joining the Iowa Unit, he received his M.S. degree from Virginia Tech and PhD from the University of Missouri.

  • Welcome Jennifer McGill to the Unit staff! Jennifer will be providing administrative support to our scientists and graduate students, and we're excited to have her on board.

  • Dr. Anna Tucker started today as the new Assistant Unit Leader for Wildlife. She is moving to Ames from Austin, TX, where she was working remotely as a postdoctoral researcher with the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Dr. Tucker's research program uses quantitative methods to understand wildlife population dynamics and support conservation and management decision-making. 

  • Oxbow Restoration in Iowa with an Emphasis on Topeka Shiner

    The Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Iowa State University is leading research on two projects focusing on oxbow restorations and the federally endangered Topeka shiner. These projects have provided insight into the habitat preferences and fish assemblage associations of Topeka shiner in oxbows, compared the occurrence and abundance of the species in restored and unrestored oxbows, updated the status of Topeka Shiner in Iowa, and developed GIS tools to identify potential sites of future oxbow restorations within the region.

  • Please join us for Alex Bybel's M.S. thesis defense seminar on November 15, 2018 at 10am in 333 Science II. Alex's thesis is titled "Rangewide Genetic Diversity and Population Structure and Within Basin Metapopulation Analysis of the Topeka Shiner (Notropis topeka)".

  • M.S. Assistantship in Fish Conservation

    Agency/Location: Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, Ames (

    Responsibilities: Develop and test an index of oxbow restoration quality for conservation of the endangered Topeka shiner. Compile existing data on oxbow fish assemblages and collect field data on new restorations in collaboration with university, federal, state, non-governmental, and industry collaborators. Supervise assistants, perform fieldwork in variable outdoor conditions, compile databases, conduct analyses, write annual progress reports, and carry out other duties as needed. Complete thesis and other requirements of M.S. degree. Prepare and submit manuscripts for publication.

  • I’m pursuing a Master’s Degree in Wildlife Ecology in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management at Iowa State University. My research will focus on movement and survival of Canada geese in Iowa. My broader interests include wildlife population dynamics and analysis, effects of harvest on wildlife populations, and waterfowl research and management. I am interested in applied research that informs management decisions for wildlife conservation.

  • Please join us for Courtney Zambory's M.S. thesis defense seminar on April 9th, 2018 at 10:00 am in 333 Science II. Courtney's thesis is entitled "Geospatial Methods for Aquatic Conservation: Topeka Shiner Restoration Site Selection and Development of an Iowa Watershed Health Assessment".

  • Please join us for Nick Simpson's M.S. thesis defense seminar on April 12, 2018 at 1pm  in 333 Science II. Nick's thesis is entitled "Occurrence, Abundance, and Associations of Topeka Shiners and Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Streams and Oxbows of Iowa and Minnesota".

  • Former Unit Leader - 2017 Citizen of the Year

    Congratulations to former Unit Leader and Natural Resource Ecology and Management Professor Emeritus, Dr. Erwin Klaas on being awarded Story County Iowa's Citizen of the Year! You can read about his accomplishments in the July 12, 2017 edition of the Story County Sun. 

  • Please join us for Jennifer Swanson's M.S. thesis defense seminar on June 28, 2017 at 10:00 am in 333 Science II. Jenny’s thesis is entitled "Amphibian occupancy and effects of habitat use on pesticide exposure in Iowa agricultural wetland."

  • Please join us for Jalynn Almond's dissertation defense seminar on June 27, 2017 at Noon in 333 Science II. Jalynn's dissertation is entitled “Chronic wasting disease as a model for the development of risk communication using the mental models approach.”

  • Please join us for Joseph Lambert’s M.S. thesis defense seminar on June 26, 2017 at 10:00 am in 333 Science II. Joe’s thesis is entitled “Grassland bird community response to vegetative diversity in restorations in northwestern Iowa.”

  • The 2017 Edition of NREM Field Notes is now available!

  • Nick Simpson, Courtney Zambory and Alex Bybel are featured in the Fishers & Farmers Partnership Fall Highlights (PDF) Newsletter. Nick is working on our Boone River Watershed (BRW) Stream Fish and Habitat Monitoring project, and Courtney and Alex on our Habitat Improvement Projects for Stream and Oxbow Fish of Greatest Conservation Need project.

  • Please join us for Chris Sullivan’s M.S. thesis defense seminar on November 18, 2016 at 9:00 am in 333 Science II. Chris’s thesis is entitled “Asian Carp population characteristics and dynamics in the upper Mississippi River watershed.”

  • Aquatic Habitat Biologist (Fish & Wildlife Scientist III)

    Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department

  • Agency:

    Quantitative Fisheries Center, Michigan State University


  • The Department of Watershed Sciences at Utah State University invites applications for a tenure-track, assistant professor position in limnology. For more information, please see the announcement 2016-09-30 - USU_Limnology_Ad_FINAL.pdf. 

  • Please join us for Carlos Camacho's thesis defense seminar "Asian Carp reproductive ecology along the Upper Mississippi River invasion front" on August 17th, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in Science Hall II room 333.

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